Wonder what the rarity level you will have? Here is our !
Community start - creation of Jack Lee's NFT collections...
Each owner is eligible for free minting of SHER, snapshot will be taken on 8 Feb 2022.
Kickstart SHER - Storyboard setup, Proof Of Concept (POC), Minimum Viable Product(MVP), 3D prototypes of a physical figures...
SHER Development - 7 Heroines was created in development period, but finally picked four to be refined and go for the Production... Would it have a series of others? Who knows.
Creation of SHER - Layerize the attributes, Retouches, Algorithm Design, Generative Programming, and Looping the idea of "Rarity"...
Launch of SHERNFT.Com - Finalize Layout Design, Launch Plan setup, Launch Twitter, Discord, and Design the Twitter Giveaway Contest...
Project Launch - Presale start, Whitelist Minting start, Public sale start 72 hours afterwards...
NFC Figure Production - Finalize the detail and techinical part of 12" physical figure, NFC* and Bluetooth integration, Snapshot taken for NFT owner early bird selling...
SHERtation - Creation of metaverse for SHERs, Make NFC* Figures linkage to Metaverse, A totally new experience on Reality and Metaverse is in our planning...